5 Reasons You're losing Engagement on Instagram
Gaining and keeping up engagement on Instagram is key for any business. This can sometimes be a difficult thing to do. If you have noticed you're losing engagement on your Instagram account don’t fret, it’s not just you. According to a study done by Quintly.com post interactions overall on Instagram have decreased by 33% in just one year. Below are a few other common reasons you might be losing engagement on your Instagram accounts, as well as a few tips to get it back where it needs to be!
1. Your hashtags are hurting you rather than helping you.
Hashtags are an extremely useful tool to help you gain more followers on Instagram but if you are using them the wrong way they can hurt your follower count rather than help it. Using too many or using tags that don’t properly represent you can be a very bad thing. Check out or past blog post here to learn more about using hashtags to your advantage!
2. You aren’t interacting with your followers
Don’t just reply to your DMs, when a follower comments on your pictures, reply to those as well and be genuine! People love to it when a business they like or a popular account interacts with personally. It lets them know you value them as a follower. See below, Salt & Vine’s Instagram is a great example of this.
3. Your brand is not represented properly
People want to know exactly what they are getting when they follow you. Every post on your Instagram should be consistent and represent you or your business. For example, if you are a food blogger, stick to food, don’t randomly switch gears on people and become a fashion blogger. This confuses and alienates your audience and they are like un-follow.
4. You aren’t posting enough
People will forget about you. Like we mentioned before, consistency is key and this applies to the frequency of your posts as well. A study done by Buffer says that once a day is at that sweet spot. Not clogging up anyone’s feed but still there every day to remind your followers how much they love your page.
5. You aren’t sharing the love
Hopper suggests to look at your last 10 Instagram posts and see who they are about, all you? Not a good thing! Although is your Instagram page you need to share to love. Share a post from an Instagram page that you like or another business that you work closely with. This is still representing you and your business but at the same time not being overly vain.