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Office or Co-Working Space? Pros and Cons

The days of cubicle office-culture are slowly coming to an end. Office spaces are evolving for both full-time staff and freelancers. Some people even have the option of working remotely (dream job). We have experience in working in both offices and co-working spaces and have gathered the pros and cons for anyone trying to decide which environment would work best for them.


For the habitual and collaborative professionals, offices are ideal for you. An office offers a stable work environment where you are able to work hands-on with your team members. Have a quick question to ask Denise in financing? An office allows you to quickly and efficiently work with your colleagues whenever necessary. This environment also works well for planning and meetings with your team to touch base on project’s and marketing campaigns.

On the other hand, office life can feel restricting at times. Going to the same place at the same times every day can leave you feeling under stimulated. The best way to avoid this is to find a company you are passionate about and find the coworkers you love being around. Make every day exciting by setting up tasks to accomplish to keep you motivated.

Co-Working Spaces

If you have the option of working free-lance or remote but still need the stimulation of an office, co-working spaces are a great alternative to working at a coffee shop or café. Co-Working spaces offer a safe space to pull out your laptop and work for 8 hours without feeling like you’re an inconvenience to the employees of a café or coffee shop. In a co-working space, you’re surrounded by other working professionals and that atmosphere can be very motivating. These spaces also are great for networking and meeting new people in similar industries.

While co-working spaces are great, it can feel a little bit lonely at times. If you have questions on an assignment, you have to ask them via email or pings versus in person communication. As long as you make sure to stay on top of assignments and due dates with organization, working at a professional space can be great.

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