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Tools We Use at #TeamHSC

“There’s an app for that.” A phrase that was once tossed around as a joke now holds so much truth. In 2019, there’s truly an app for everything. With the touch of a button, we can walk our dogs, order lunch, rent a car, score a date, grocery shop, buy our new favorite dress – we have the entire world at our finger tips. Working in the social media world can be overwhelming at times because of the excessive amount of options. We've tinkered with dozens of apps while creating content and have finally found our favorites. Check out the below list of the apps we love at HSC!


Gain is like the holy grail of content creation. This app serves as a content calendar and approval tool for marketing and social media agencies. Gain is the perfect place to keep all of your content organized. It simplifies the approval process by allowing multiple users to comment, revise and approve future posts. You can create and control content from your computer and use the phone app to upload your posts! It’s so user-friendly and helps you stay sane in this crazy online world.


Airtable is the little black book of HSC. It’s not an app we use every day but is always there in case of emergency. The app is an online platform that allows you to organize and curate lists that are vital to your company. Basically, it’s like stuffing a ginormous filing cabinet into your computer. Everything from client directories to passwords to quirky holidays – Airtable is the perfect place to turn to when you’ve forgotten some of the basics that keep your business running.


Basecamp is the heartbeat of everything we do at HSC. It’s our outlet for daily communication, to-do lists, scheduling and note-to-self reminders. Basecamp offers a feature of chatting with your team, individually or as a group, where you can tag certain coworkers to get their attention. It’s quicker than an email and doesn’t get lost in a blackhole of text messages. The “To-Do” list section of the Basecamp is the perfect tool to stay organized with day-to-day tasks and all future assignments. Basecamp is the reason we stay calm, cool and collected. Well, most of the time…


You know the junk drawer in your parent’s kitchen? The one where everything important in your life just magically appears? Well, Dropbox is the very, very important junk drawer of HSC. We use Dropbox to store all photos, reports and client information. We use Dropbox every single day and it is constantly evolving as we evolve as a team. It’s the perfect tool for teams who work in different cities because it keeps us organized and on the same page!


We all have that friend who is constantly correcting everyone’s grammar. Grammarly is that friend for our team. However, it won’t get mad at you when you roll your eyes. You can download Grammarly for your phone and computer and it will edit and correct anything you type! From an email to a text message, Grammarly is there to make sure you don’t butcher your sentences. Like a common spell-check, it will highlight mistakes and suggest corrections. We don’t know about you, but it’s been a long time since we were singing Shirley English jingles. Therefore, Grammarly is regularly saving the day!

Whether you also work in the social media realm or just spend lots of time on your personal platforms, you should give these apps a try! We adore them and think you will, too.

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