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5 Things That You Will Learn in an Internship That You Will Not Learn in School

An intern learns many things during their time at a company. Here are 5 things that you will learn during your internship that you might not learn in the classroom.


In the workplace, an intern learns what it means to be a professional. How to act towards coworkers, and how to handle interactions with clients are things that an intern learns from real life experience.

Real-life Application of Skills

An intern gets to use all of the things that they have learned as a student. However, it is different when they are applied in the workplace. Even though a student might think they know how to do something, an intern learns how to apply those skills in real life situations.


Not only do you learn how to be a better communicator with your peers, but you also learn how to communicate within certain applications. For example; instant messaging, content planners, and even emails will become very familiar to an intern after their time in the workplace.

Time Management

As an intern you are given multiple jobs to juggle. Balancing all of those tasks can be hard, but an intern learns how to manage their time wisely. Interns could be balancing their job, social life and maybe even classes at the same time. Once an intern has finished their internship, they will truly be skilled in time management.


At the end of the internship, an intern will have plenty of hands on experience under their belt. After going through the ups and downs, learning from the mistakes they have made, and growing as a professional, they will be confident that they have what it takes to enter the workforce in their field!

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