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Blogger Etiquette

When it comes to blogging, it’s important to follow the unwritten “blogger etiquette” in order to be successful. Here are a few etiquette tips to help you become a professional blogger.

Comment back

This is the easiest and most effective way to foster a successful blog. Responding to comments helps to build loyal followers and will show them that a real person is behind the blog. Make sure you’re commenting on other bloggers posts as well as other brands. Over time, you’ll develop relationships with bloggers and businesses in a similar field and those relationships will help to bring in new business.

Don’t copy other blogger’s ideas

This can be hard since it feels like there aren’t a lot of truly original ideas out there anymore… but try to make your blog your own as much as you can. If you do see something you want to use for your blog, either appropriate it and put your own spin on it or cite your inspiration in the post. Nothing infuriates people more than when their ideas are blatantly stolen or used without permission.

Be yourself and always be on-brand. Keeping these two objectives in mind will help you to create fresh, new content that is really you.

Be kind

Be kind to everyone who comments on your blog even if they disagree with you. There’s always a positive way to respond to a negative comment. It is important that you are constantly building your brand so that you uphold a good reputation. People like nice people. People like businesses who have a strong online presence and engaged in socially-relevant conversation. When there’s a new project or initiative out there, you want to be the first person that people think of for the job. Get out there and be active online!

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