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Following Up During Your Job Search

After applying for a job, it’s important that you don’t just sit back and wait for the recruiter to reach out to you. Be proactive and follow up! If done correctly, this will show initiative and interest on your part. We’ve rounded up our best tips for following up during your job search to help you land your dream job.

Do Your Research

Before you follow up, do more research on the company and the position. Make sure you find out the best form of communication to use for following up, the correct person to contact, skills required for the role that match with your skill set, and the values and mission of the organization. This will show the employer that you are well informed and a good fit for the role.


Employers are extremely busy and often do not have time to immediately contact you after you apply for a job. Make sure that you wait at least a week before following up on the status of your application. As important as it is to follow up, it is also very important to show the employer that you respect their time and the other responsibilities they have.


It is extremely important that you keep the tone of your email professional, yet friendly. You do not want your message to come across as pushy or needy. By using a gracious tone, the employer will be more receptive to your email and more likely to respond to your message.

What to Include

For the actual content of your message make sure to include reasons that you are interested in the role and the company, as well as knowledge and experience that you can bring to the job. This is a time when you can show the employer that you have done your research on the company and are genuinely interested in making an impact at the organization.

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