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Managing Multiple Social Media Accounts

Managing multiple social media accounts can be tiring and time-consuming. Biggest of all, it can be hard to keep up with each account and give them equal love. You may be putting tons of focus into one account and the others just aren’t feeling the same love. Keeping them orderly can be a nightmare if you’re doing everything manually. Trying to remember to post one photo and then another at a different time can make you want to pull your hair out. So, we’ve compiled a list of five tips and tricks to help you manage multiple accounts.

1. Use a social media dashboard. Hootsuite and Buffer are great tools for managing multiple accounts because you can add various socials and be able to plan them all with a date and time. You upload the content you want to choose, then you add the times. Once you put your content into the app and you don’t have to worry about posting it because and it automatically posts to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+ for you and lets you know when to manually post for Instagram. No more having calendar reminders to keep up with all your accounts. You log in once to manage everything and can perform multiple actions into one spot. Easy peasy!

2. Track the analytics. Keep track of every account you are running monthly. Noticing a trend in one account? Try and implement the tactics into other accounts that aren’t seeing as much engagement. Merely ‘keeping note’ of your followers, engagement and reactions isn’t enough. You need to be sure to use an app like Facebook analytics or AgoraBuff. These will keep track of how the accounts are running and what can be improvised. Buffer and Hootsuite also keep track of analytics which is great if you’re already using the apps for your accounts. For a lot of the analytics reporting, they will automatically come to you with no additional hunting down numbers.

3. Social media monitoring and engagement. Buffer has a special add-on called ‘Buffer Reply.’ The add-on allows you to engage with your followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all from one streamline. You can even reply to messages on Facebook and Twitter. This is great for engagement. You are able to reply to comments and mentions without having to even open up the Facebook, Twitter or Instagram app. There are other applications out there as well that do this for you. Hootsuite has a similar feature.

4. Create unique posts for each social media platform. Every platform is different, so why have the same post? You may want to post a video on Facebook that just wouldn’t suite Instagram. Your caption strategies vary as well, too. You won’t put “double tap” for a caption on a Tweet, but you would on an Instagram post. You have to be aware of what content works for each platform because it’s not always going to go hand-in-hand.

5. Schedule posts ahead of time. This will help you save time in the long-run instead of realizing last minute you have no content to post. Planning two weeks to a month in advance is the best time-frame to plan posts. We know it may seem like a lot of posts, but in the end, it will be saving you tons of time and you’ll be so happy you did it in the end. Your content won’t be sloppy and you can add them to your dashboard without having to second guess what’s supposed to go up that day.

We hope these tips and tricks help you and you start implementing them ASAP! We promise in the end; these tools will help you smoothly run multiple accounts. You’ll never have to wake up one morning and realize you have no content for that day and start pulling old content and recycling it.

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