Top 5 Video Editing Apps!
5 Video Editing Apps That Will Change Your Social Media Life
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The rising star on social media happens to be none other than, videos! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Tumblr have taken notes from YouTube’s success and incorporated their very own systems for video content. The demand for it has risen significantly, as studies show that video content rakes in more engagement and builds your following.
[if !supportLists]●Facebook video receives, on average, 135 percent more organic reach than a Facebook photo. (Buffer, 2017).
[if !supportLists]●Instagram’s average engagements for video posts have increased by 53 percent between May 2016 and May 2017. (NewsWhip, 2017).
[if !supportLists]●Videos are six times more likely to be retweeted than photos on Twitter. (ADWEEK, 2016).
[if !supportLists]●10 billion videos are watched on Snapchat every day (Bloomberg, 2016).
[if !supportLists]●More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube every day (Business Insider, 2016).
So, how do you turn this into an opportunity for your following to grow? You learn how to make and edit kick-ass videos! Some people have already turned their social media pages into full-on productions, creating shows, beauty vlogs, skits, and more through their platforms. The real question is, who has the time and skill to film, edit, and post a bunch of videos routinely? Luckily, now you do. All you need is a phone with a high-def camera, and storage to download these following apps.
Here are the 5 best apps that edit video content right on your phone!
1. iMovie
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Apple’s standard video editing app is already installed in your iPhone. You can shoot your videos with an iOS device, which provides HD-quality footage. Then, go into iMovie and edit in transitions, visual effects, music, and text. The best part about it is, it’s free if you have iOS!
2. Quik
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If Instagram’s your favorite social media platform, then this app might be the one for you. You can seamlessly fuse your video content and photos together, while incorporating music to your mini production. Quik also allows you to record videos directly through their app. The kicker is, it comes with plenty of tools and filters to enhance the experience for you and your viewers.
3. Magisto
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Being the only iOS and Android friendly app on this list makes Magisto a catch. Magisto automatically arranges and applies effects to your uploaded videos/slideshows. The auto-editing features make it easy to use, and less time-consuming. With over 60 million users, it’s one of the most popular video-editing apps to date.
4. Hyperlapse
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Did you know that Instagram launched Hyperlapse? Hyperlapse creates high-quality time lapse video content. The cinematic results stem from built-in stabilized technology that focus on handheld fast-forward motions.
5. Splice
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Another free tool, that gives you the essentials to create a masterpiece. You can edit videos, photos, and music through Splice with precision. Their video and audio timeline make it easy to control and use for simple editing. And like any other app, you can add to the quality of your video with in-app purchases.
Now that you’ve gotten the lowdown on some of the best video editing apps, pull out your phone and get creative!